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I Can't With Black Friday and This Is Why

I can’t be the only one who skips the craziness of doorbusters and holiday deals. It’s bad enough that Christmas marketing starts before Halloween, now you can start your Black Friday shopping at midnight tonight - BEFORE Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a clothes horse, so consumerism is not foreign to me, nor am I against it completely. I guess you can call me old fashioned, but I find solace in being home with family and friends, sharing stories and laughing over coffee and dessert as we nestle next to the fireplace. Besides who can go shopping gorged with a belly full of turkey, wine and stuffed mushrooms?

I am not judging anyone who is that excited about whatever product they absolutely can't live without. Go for it! Fight the fight and grab those gadgets and toys. I can imagine the madhouse that is Black Friday is probably quite exhilarating. I prefer to sit this one out, to relax Friday and save my energy for Small Business Saturday.

“In 2010 small businesses [across America were hurting] from an economy in recession. In an effort to support these local places that make our communities string, American Express launched SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY on the Saturday after Thanksgiving - hoping to help bring more holiday shopping to small businesses.” The movement caught on quickly; within the first two years all 50 states participate and Obama gives a shout out to the cause. SBS is now a yearly tradition that promotes local small businesses that we all know and love.

There are so many events this weekend, but I think I’ll stick close to home. My girlfriend Jordan and I have planned our Saturday:

Wake up and practice one hour vinyasa at Hot House Yoga

Grab a quick bite & coffee at Java Surf

Relax and gossip as we get a mani/pedi at Spa Phoenix

Then shopping at our favorites Apricot Lane, Bahama Shop, A.Dodson’s, French Twist and Lola Boutique


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