We all know that your brand must be consistent and recognizable, so when I started this blog and my wardrobe consulting business as a blonde I was prepared to maintain the blonde, or at least a version of it. Last week I had a hair appointment. I was ready for a change, but I wanted to be strategic about it.
No longer in love with the platinum blonde I'd been rocking I was ready to go a little darker. My long-term plan was to go back to my natural hair color, dark brown, by the end of the year. I had my brand to consider after all and did not want to go from one extreme to another. The plan was to go from platinum, to dirty blonde, to honey blonde, light brown and then dark brown. So I asked for dirty blonde - but I got dark brown (with blonde highlights).
Not happy, in fact I felt like my mojo was hijacked. First world problem, I know, but I cried on my way home that night. I gave it a few days before I scheduled an appointment for this Thursday to lighten it back to blonde. What do you think? Should I keep the brown? Is it too drastic of a change? Will it hurt my brand?
I really want your feedback! Please...